Part 113: Looks like we've got our work cut out for us, huh?
Royal Army Soldier 2: Just a little further and we can meet up with the Manoria Garrison...
Royal Army Soldier 3: Don't stop now! We MUST see these people safely there!

M-Matron Theresaaaa...

Don't worry, Mary...We'll be fine.

I won't let them lay a finger on you.

We're in a loooot of trouble, aren't we?
Royal Army Soldier 2: From the opposite side?!


Okay, you jerks! I guess I gotta--

NO, CLEM! Get back here!

(Oh, Aidios...please, save us, your powerless children...)
-Challenger Invited-

Hey, they're...!


Heh! Sorry to keep ya waiting!

Everyone okay? Nobody hurt?


We're fiiiiine!
Woman's Voice: Haha! Good to see we made it.


Sorry to meet you again like this, Matron Theresa! You're evacuating to Manoria, right?

Yes, the good soldiers here were escorting us.

You there, soldiers! We shall hold them here!

Yeah! You guys hurry and get the kids to Manoria!
Royal Army Soldier 1: Y-You have our thanks!
Royal Army Soldier 3: Everyone! Follow us!



We still have to do it.

Don't worry, this is nothing! Compared to what Estelle and everyone have to deal with at the towers, this is a picnic!

Hmhm. Indeed! All we can do is do our best here so they can fight without worrying for their loved ones.

By my arts--become hard as steel!
-Tetracyclic Tower-

I wonder how Matron Theresa and the kids are doing.

If the plan is going well, they're being evacuated to a safe location under army protection.

I hope they're safe...

I'm certain they'll be fine. We don't need to worry. Dad's ordered the army to work together with the guild to keep the battle in Ruan under control.

Joshua...thank you.

Yeah, definitely! Dad isn't going to let anything happen to Ruan.

Yeah, the old man ain't gonna screw up on this.

Everyone. We're five minutes out from Sapphirl Tower.


Yes...I'm ready.

Once we arrive, we'll head off.
Unfortunately I've long since squandered every opportunity to assemble Schera, Zane, and Olivier, for Team Drinkin'.

I just received word from the guard force stationed in Manoria. Matron Theresa and the children were evacuated safely.


Yes, they said everyone's fine.

*phew* That's a relief...

Yes...I'd been worried about them.
You literally just said not to worry about them.

Still, with the towers as they are, no one can let their guard down.

Yes, it may be a bit early to rejoice.

Right now, we need to focus on the task at hand and get to that tower.'re right. If you're ready, Kloe...

Yes, if you need me, simply ask any time. I am prepared. Everyone, please, be careful.

According to reports, they evacuated all civilians living near the roads. We've avoided one disaster, at least.
Sensor Operator Echo: Great work, you guys. We still haven't figured out what the source of the orbal field anomaly is...If we could just figure out what it is, we could do something about it. I'm sorry...but I think we'll be relying on you for a while longer.
Helmsman Lux: Mmm? Who're you? Sorry, but please don't distract me. This wind is really strong. Keeping us in position is difficult...Don't they realize how hard it is to get a ship like this to hover? Blast it...Thanks to the wind, I can't get the ship to settle. This is why I hate the seaside.
Comm. Officer Leon: Ruan Rearguard, Manoria station, this is the Arseille. Ruan Rearguard, report your situation. I repeat, this is the Arseille. Ruan Rearguard, report. Patrol ships are en route to reinforce your position. Reinforcements will be arriving shortly. Repeat, they will be in Manoria airspace...
Royal Guardsman: Wow, she must be incredible! Though, I bet our Captain Schwarz could do the same.
Royal Guardsman: They seem to have men everywhere in the kingdom! We need to strengthen our patrols in the future, it seems...
Clive: My research has stalled, so I thought I'd step out to clear my head a bit. I wonder what's going on with the tower. Very strange...I'm worried about my little brother in Ruan. I hope the town's safe.
Antoine: Nyao? Nyayayaa~!

Haha, it looks like someone's trying to tell us something.

Do we know anyone who can talk to animals?
Kloe has a bird that understands speech. That's...a little bit like talking to animals, right? If you bring her here:

I think he wants to give us something.
Antoine: Nyao-n!

You're giving us this book? (You have...a book...?)

Heehee, thank you, Antoine!
Antoine: Mya~uun.

Well, this is special...
Antoine: Fumyaaa...Nyaon.

Well, look who's sunbathing.
Ship's Cook Casey: I'm sure our boys below've got their hands full...Er, what I'm saying is, it's great that we've got you lot to take care of these blasted towers! Sending you bracers into the towers was the right tactical decision, I say. Just what I'd expect from Brigadier General Bright. He knows how to give the right person the right job!
Ray: ...Steam may seem to disappear, but it's just dispersed into the atmosphere...Conservation of matter and energy, the same's got to apply to this, the orbal energy's got to be stored SOMEWHERE...! The 'shadow towers,' and folded dimensions...Could that be where the disappearing orbal energy is going...?

Looks like it, yes. Sorry I can't stay and have a drink.

Booze aside, if you need my sword, I'll come along anytime. You need me, just say the word.

Hmmhmm, thank you, Mister Heavy Blade. I owe you one.
Royal Guardsman: Reminds me of how things felt during the coup. What is up with groups plotting awful stuff like this springin' up like weeds these days?
Mechanic Payton: It seems like the professor's research is stuck on something. The researchers just went out for a quick break. You can't really make progress at anything if you just keep flogging away at something when you're stuck...Maybe you guys could use a little time in the break room, as well?

Hey, Tita!

How's the professor's research going?

Oh, um.

Even Grandpa's having a hard time with those barriers. He keeps saying he just doesn't understand the principle behind them...

I see...

The barriers most likely have something to do with the mission the Enforcers have been given. I doubt a solution to breaching them will be straightforward.

Well, there's little point in sitting here, moping about it. We can leave studying it to the professor while we enter the towers the old-fashioned way. What we find in the towers might lead to some hints to help in his research.

Yeah, and there's the data crystals, too.

You're right. Let's focus on investigating the towers for now...the old-fashioned way.

I'm afraid we still know very little about that barrier engulfing the tops of the towers. If we could make some progress deciphering that data crystal, we might get a clue...For now, I'm going to focus on getting some practical use out of that idea of mine. Let me say, between the 'shadow' towers and these barriers, I'm not lacking for things to research!

To be honest, I've half a mind to go out there myself and have a good look at these phenomena in person, but these days...

Tch! If I was ten years younger, even...

Aidios! I dunno if what I'm feelin' is fear or a crush! Well, it helps keep us guys on our toes, I guess.

Right, Joshua?

Leave me out of this, please.

Yes, once we're done preparing.

Taking a break, Zane?

To be honest, I would like to take a chance to rest, perhaps meditate...But now is not really the time. If you call, I'll be ready.

Hmmhmm. You don't need to push yourself. After all, you took down Walter! You can afford to rest.

Yes, don't strain yourself too much.

Haha. Thanks for the thought. You don't need to hold back for my sake, though. Just say the word.
The goon hivemind demands that you work yourself to death, Zane.

Now why didn't I take an earth quartz in place of one of those space quartz? It would have been all pretty! Oh well.

Schera's borrowing the Misty Veil and Duende Slippers for this one. Hopefully the lower DEF won't be a problem.
Faye: Time to attack the Sapphirl Tower, I bet.
Faye: Right, then! Just jump on the plate and you'll be off.

Wonder where we'll get punted off to this time?

There's no real way to know until we go in.

Unlike the 'normal' towers, the shadow towers don't seem restricted by conventional spatial definitions. They could be...large, inside.

And so the only limit on their construction was their builders. Mmm...Hard to stay focused, thinking about that.

Regardless, we have to go in one way or another.

Come on. Let's proceed carefully and deliberately.